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Melacare Cream


Melacare Cream is a topical application that is used to lighten dark spots and pigmentation. Buy Melacare Cream Online in USA.

  • Main Ingredient (Generic Name):Hydroquinone/Mometasone/Tretinoin
  • Symptom(s):Melasma
  • Brand:Ajanta Pharma Ltd
  • Dosage:Hydroquinone (2%w/w) + Tretinoin (0.025%w/w) + Mometasone (0.1%w/w)
  • Pack Size:20 gm in 1 tube
  • Delivery Time:6 To 15 days
  • 20% OFF:Use Code PC20 @ Checkout page
Pack Size Price: Price/unit Quantity Add To Cart
1 Tube-s $8.00 $8 /Piece
3 Tube-s $21.00 $7 /Piece
6 Tube-s $41.00 $6.83 /Piece

What is Melacare Cream?

Melacare Cream is a topical application that is used to lighten dark spots and pigmentation. It also improves skin tone by reducing melanin content in the skin. Hydroquinone is the primary active component in this cream. Hydroquinone inhibits the action of tyrosinase, an enzyme required for melanin synthesis. Thus it prevents further pigmentation.

Some side effects associated with its use include erythema, burning sensation, pruritus, ochronosis, and exogenous ochronosis.

Skin that is thick, black, and leathery is a sign of ochronosis. The usage of hydroquinone is linked to this uncommon but serious adverse effect. Those with darker complexion seem to have this problem more frequently. Stop using the cream and see your doctor if you suffer any of these negative effects.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to lighten dark spots and even out your skin tone, then you should consider using Melacare Cream. However, you should be informed of the potential adverse effects of using it. Consult your doctor before using this cream to ensure that it is right for you.

How is Melacare cream working?

The active component of Melacare Cream is hydroquinone, which blocks the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme. Tyrosinase is required for melanin synthesis; thus, by inhibiting it, hydroquinone prevents further pigmentation. This Cream is accessible without a prescription as well as over-the-counter. It should be administered twice daily to the afflicted region.

While using this cream, avoid being in the sun because it might make your condition worse. Some side effects of its use include erythema, burning sensation, pruritus, ochronosis, and exogenous ochronosis.

Side Effects

  • Melacare Cream has certain adverse effects in addition to its benefits:
  • Erythema, burning, and pruritus are the most frequent adverse effects.
  • Severe it is ochronosis and exogenous ochronosis.
  • Ochronosis is a condition in which the skin gets thick, black, and leathery. This is a rare but severe side effect associated with hydroquinone use.
  • If you suffer any of these negative effects after using this Cream, stop using the cream right once and see your doctor.


Before Using Melacare Cream, some preventive measures need to be taken:

  • It should not be applied to skin that is damaged or irritated.
  • While using this cream, avoid sunlight exposure as it might aggravate the condition.
  • If you are allergic to hydroquinone, you should not use this cream.
  • If you have any health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before using this cream.
  • Stop using this Cream right once and see your doctor if you encounter any serious negative effects.

Benefits of Melacare Cream.

There are many benefits of using this Cream:

  • It is a good approach to balance out skin tone and lighten dark spots.
  • It is offered both over-the-counter and through prescription.

How is Melacare Cream used?

  • The affected area should get twice-daily applications of this Cream.
  • Use soap and water to wash your hands and the affected area before applying Melacare Cream.
  • Use your finger to evenly distribute a little amount of the cream over the afflicted region.
  • To completely absorb the cream, give it a gentle massage into the skin.
  • After applying the cream, wait at least an hour before washing the treated area.

Combination with other drugs

Melacare Cream should not be used with other medications that contain hydroquinone as it can increase the risk of side effects.

It should also not be used with other skin lighteners as this might increase the chances of developing ochronosis.

Before using this Cream, talk to your doctor if you are on any other drugs. This cream is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, people with broken or inflamed skin, and those who are allergic to hydroquinone. Before using this cream, it is essential to speak with your doctor if you have any medical issues.


  • Melacare Cream is to be kept at room temperature in a cold, dry environment.
  • Keep it away from pets and children.
  • After the cream’s expiration date, do not use it.

Recommended Dosage

  • The recommended dosage of Melacare Cream is 2% hydroquinone.
  • The affected part should get two daily applications of this cream.
  • Both over-the-counter and prescription versions are offered.
  • The moment you notice any negative effects from taking this cream, stop using it and call your doctor right once.

Buy Melacare Cream Online in USA

Buy Melacare Cream Online in USA from Pills corner. We provide Free Shipping and secure payment by PayPal.


1. Who can use this Cream?

It is completely safe when used as prescribed. It is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, people with broken or inflamed skin, and those who are allergic to hydroquinone. This is important to check with your doctor before using this cream if you have any medical issues.

2. How long does Melacare Cream take to work?

This usually starts working within a few weeks. But in other circumstances, it can take longer. Consult your doctor if, after eight weeks of use, you still don’t notice any results.

3. For how long should I apply this Cream?

The duration of usage of Melacare Cream is unlimited. It is not advised for long-term usage. If you need to use the cream for more than 12 weeks, consult your doctor.

4. Can I buy Melacare Cream online?

Yes, You can Buy Melacare Cream online. It can be bought from various websites and pharmacies. Read the directions on how to use the Cream before purchasing it. This Cream should be purchased from a reliable provider to verify that you are receiving a real product.

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