Customers who meet the requirements of our cancellation policy are allowed to cancel their packages. To make sure they are aware of the cancellation conditions, we recommend the consumer read them.
How can I cancel an order on our website?
You can quickly cancel your package online thanks to our portal’s simple cancellation policy. If you are unable to, you may also cancel the order by mail to customer care. Keep in mind that you will need to provide a cancellation explanation in both situations.
You will get a cancellation invoice from us once you cancel the order, assuming that it complies with our cancellation policy’s terms and restrictions.
How do we cancel orders and request refunds?
First, we check to see if any cancellation orders comply with our cancellation policy standards after receiving them. Following a review of the order volume, we make a call to our delivery and logistics team to continue the shipping.
So far as the refunding procedure is concerned, we do not issue any cash or draught refunds. We only credit your account immediately online. In order for us to make the payment, the customers must email us their bank account details and all other necessary information.
If the bank account details are inaccurate or invalid, we are in no way responsible.
Contact our customer care staff if you have any questions about your transaction or order. email address